This page is updated continuously, last updated 16 August 2023.
The 22nd Ramboll Stockholm Halvmarathon will take place in central Stockholm on Saturday 9 September. The start is on Strömbron and the finish is on Norrbro, beautifully located between the Royal Palace and the Swedish Parliament.
Important information on how to get from the clothing/valuables drop-off to the start area:
- Hand in your clothing and valuables, use the labels and kit bag you received when you collected your number bib
- After you’ve done your own warm-up, enter the event area again via one of the three main entrances. Then follow the signs along Strömgatan towards the finish line on Norrbro and stop when you come to your start pen. All runners, including start group A should pass Gustav Adolfs Torg on the way to their start pen. There are toilets and a water station at the start pens on Slottskajen.

Start certificate
On 19 August we’ll start sending out the start certificates by email. If you register after this, you will receive your start certificate by email within a few days of registration. Bring the start certificate with you or show it on your phone at the Ramboll Stockholm Halvmarathon Expo where you will collect your number bib.
The Expo is located in the Event Area, at Logårdstrappan on Skeppsbron.
If you do not have the opportunity to collect your number bib yourself, you can give the start certificate to someone else who will collect it for you. If you have lost your start certificate, bring your ID card, or other photographic evidence, and visit our Information desk at the Expo. Read more about the Ramboll Stockholm Halvmarathon Expo below.
Number bib
You collect your number bib at the Expo. Please bring your own safety pins, but if you don’t have any, you can collect some together with your number. Your start group is marked on your number bib and on the reverse side you should fill in the name and phone number of a friend or relative and also whether you are taking medication or have any illness. This will help our medical staff if you should have medical problems.
Note that:
- The number bib is personal and may not be transferred to another runner.
- The number bib must be worn fully visible on the chest during the entire race.
Race Pack contents
- Envelope with number bib with chip
- Safety pins (or bring your own)
- Kit Bag for handing in your clothing on race day
- Label with your start number for your Kit Bag
This year’s Ramboll Stockholm Halvmarathon Expo takes place in the event area at Logårdstrappan on Skeppsbron.
Opening times:
- Friday 8 September, from 11:00 to 19:00
- Saturday 9 September, from 10:00 to 15:30
If you can, plan to go to Expo on Friday and avoid Saturday’s queues. You’ll also have time to take advantage of the special offers and meet influencers who are only there on Friday.
Experience our Expo
Come and experience the wonderful atmosphere at the Expo. Friends, family and colleagues are also welcome and we expect around 20,000 visitors during the half-marathon weekend. Spend a few hours at the Expo to really get into the right mood.
At the Expo, you collect your Race Kit then go into the Stadium and adidas stores and after that on to the partner and sponsor stands where you’ll find inspiration from running tips, products, fun competitions and amazing special offers. You can also meet Marathongruppen representatives and hear more about our other events throughout the year.
Outside the Expo is Ramboll’s exciting stand and Flowlife’s massage chairs. You can also hang out, get a bite to eat or a coffee from the foodtrucks or just relax in the seating area. There’s large map of the course where you can take a selfie. We’re looking forward to seeing you at the Expo before the race!
The easiest way to get to the Ramboll Stockholm Halvmarathon Expo and the starting area is to take the metro.
Metro (Tunnelbana)
to Kungsträdgården, Gamla Stan or Slussen. For more information visit www.sl.se.
If you decide to travel by car, the best place to park near the start is in the “Gallerian garage” with access from Regeringsgatan 15 or Regeringsgatan 20.
If you are traveling long distance or taking the commuter train (pendeltåg), arrive at Stockholm Central Station, then you walk about 1200 metres to Skeppsbron.
It’s possible to enter the race from 7 to 9 September up until 1 hour before the first start group (15:30) – provided there are still places available. Registration is digital using the usual registration page on the website. On race day, the only way to pay is by Swish.
Changing start groups
When you receive your digital start certificate by email, you will see which start group you’ve been allocated. It’s possible to change start group, but only at the Information desk at the Expo. It’s always possible to change to a later start group. If you want to change to an earlier start group, you need to have proof of a performance which shows you are qualified to move up. Start by collecting your number bib, then go to the Information desk to make the change.
The event area on Strömgatan opens at 14:00. The start pens at Slottskajen and Norrbro open from 14:30. You must be at your start pen at Slottskajen or Norrbro no later than 15 minutes before the start of your group. Water stations and toilets are located in the starting area. Please note that only participants are allowed in this area.
Start groups
All participants are seeded in different start groups with different start times, based on the results given at registration. Seeding takes place in August and the start certificate that is sent out in mid-August states which start group you have been placed in.
Start times
15:30 Start group A
Elite: Men with numbers 1-100, Women with numbers 101-200
Others: Startnumbers 201-3000
15:35 Start group B
Bib numbers 3001-6000
15:40 Start group C
Bib numbers 6001-9000
15:45 Start group D
Bib numbers 9001-12000
15:50 Start group E
Bib numbers 12001-15000
15:55 Start group F
Bib numbers 15001-18000
16:00 Start group G
Bib numbers 180001-21000
Start group A will move to the start line at 15:25, five minutes before the start. The other start groups will move to the start line after the group before has started. Please follow the officials’ instructions.
You can find the entire start list for the Ramboll Stockholm Halvmarathon here.
Age categories
Ramboll Stockholm Halvmarathon has the following age categories for men and women: Seniors (born 1984-2005), 40 years (1979-1983), 45 years (1974-1978), 50 years (1969-1973), 55 years (1964-1968), 60 years (1959-1963), 65 years (1954 -1958), 70 years (1949-1953), 75 years (1944-1948) and 80 years (1943 or earlier).
Competition rules
The Swedish Athletics Federation’s competition rules apply during the race. All runners participate at their own risk. The Ramboll Stockholm Halvmarathon is sanctioned by the Swedish Athletics Federation and by AIMS – Association of International Marathons and Road Races. Only runners born in 2005 or earlier are allowed to start.
The course measures 21,098 metres – a half marathon. The track has been checked by Swedish Athletics Federation course measurer, Micke Hill, in 2022. It is important that you respect the barriers in place, as some streets are also open to traffic. Police and/or officials are at every intersection along the course. Follow their directions. Clear signs mark every kilometre along the course. You can read more about the course kilometre by kilometre here.

All runners get their start time recorded when they cross the start line, in this way everyone gets their ‘real’ time recorded. Timing is recorded using the chip that is placed on the back of your number bib. The number bib must be worn on the chest throughout the race. This is because the mats with sensors that are laid out at the start line, at the intermediate times and at the finish line must be able to read the chip. Using the chip, your time from crossing the start line to crossing the finish line is recorded, giving you an exact time. This is the so-called net time. The gross time (the time from the starting shot for the start group to crossing the finish line) is also indicated in the results list that you will find on the website immediately after the race
Four split times
Split times are shown at 5 km, 10 km, 15 km and 20 km.
Remember that the clocks start at the start time for the first group (Group A) so this means that runners in start group B need to deduct 5 minutes, runners in group C, 10 minutes, runners in group D, 15 minutes, runners in group E, 20 minutes, runners in group F, 25 minutes and runners in group G should deduct 30 minutes from the time which is shown.
Your split times are recorded at 5km, 10km, 15km and 20km. These times are published with the results after the race.
Maximum time
The police authorities allow a maximum time for the race of 2 hours 45 minutes. This means that if you start in the last start group, group G, you must reach the finish line by 18:45 at the latest.
Control times at 12 km and 17 km
At 12km there is a control point which all runners must pass by 17:35 at the latest in order to be allowed to continue. At 17km, at Tantolunden, there is a second control point which all runners must pass by 18:15 to be allowed to continue. Transport is provided to an area close to the finish to all those who do not make it to the control points in time.
If you need to drop out of the race, we provide transport from the refreshment stations at Kungholms Strand (6.5km), Rålambshovsparken (9.5km) and Tantolunden (17km) to an area near the finish. If you drop out near the other refreshment stations, make your own way back to the start/finish.
We provide a pacemaking service in cooperation with Samsung Galaxy Watch.
If you are unsure which pace you need to run Ramboll Stockholm Halvmarathon, you can run alongside one of our pacemakers. Experienced runners, equipped with a distinctive flag, run at a steady pace. We have pacemakers for the following finish times:
Start group A: 1:30, 1:40. Start group B: 1:40, 1:45, 1:50. Start group C: 1:45, 1:50, 2:00. Start group D: 1:50, 2:00, 2:10. Start group E: 2:00, 2:10, 2:20. Start group F: 2:10, 2:20. Start group G: 2.20.
Energy and water stations along the course
There are seven refreshment stations along the course – after 3.5 km, 6.5 km, 9.5 km, 12.5 km, 15 km, 17 km and 19.5 km. Water only is provided at the 3.5km and 15 km points. At the other stations water and sports drink are provided. The sports drink is Enervit G Sport, orange flavour and this will be on the first set of tables with water on the second set of tables. In addition to the seven refreshment stations, there are also four energy stations with Chiquita bananas, Redbull energy drink and Enervit GT tablets.
Encouragement along the course
Bands and DJs will be playing music all along the course to entertain and inspire you and your fellow runners.
BE CONSIDERATE: If you’re tired during the race and want to take it a bit easier, keep to the right so that faster runners can easily pass you on the left. If you’re running together with a group, make sure you don’t run or jog more than two abreast. Otherwise it will be difficult for others to pass you.
The finish is on Norrbro, in front of the Royal Palace and Parliament Building. Please follow the officials’ instructions at the finish to help us manage the flow of people.
Finish service
Directly after the finish line, all those who complete the race in the maximum time of 2 hours, 45 minutes will receive a Ramboll Stockholm Halvmarathon medal and a finisher t-shirt.
Prizes are awarded to the top 30 male and female runners after the race. Prizes are also awarded to the top three in every age group based on the net times. These prizes are sent by post to the winners.
Results service
Split times and preliminary results will be published live on the Ramboll Stockholm Half Marathon website during the race. The official results list will be published just over a week after the race on www.stockholmhalvmarathon.se
There are toilets at the start and finish area and also at every refreshment station along the course.
There is no possibility to change or shower close to the start and finish area. We recommend, therefore, that you change at home or at your hotel.
Clothing/valuables drop-off
You can hand in your clothing on Strömgatan (see map above) from 14:00. Use the kit bag and label which you get when you collect your number bib. After the race, you collect your clothing from the same place. It is important that you attach to your bag the label with your name and start number. When you collect your clothing after the race, you just show your number bib which is your receipt. This service closes at 19:30.
Medical service
Medical officials are at every refreshment station and at the start and finish. Medical officials have the authority to take injured or exhausted runners off the course.
Photo service
Professional photographers will be on hand along the course and at the finish line to take photos of all runners. In the results list, you can click on a link to the photos in which you are included.
Are you feeling fit?
Remember to take it easy at the start, 21,098 metres is a demanding distance and you need to save energy for the end of the race. Don’t come to the start if you are not completely healthy, and remember that there is no shame in dropping out if you are exhausted. There is a risk in running if you have a cold or do not feel 100%. If you are not sure whether to run or not, please don’t hesitate to contact our medical team who will be in Gustav Adolfs square on Saturday.
Marathongruppen and Sortera have been working together for a number of years to make our events more sustainable. In 2023, we’re introducing a new step in our waste management and our runners will play an important role in this. In our event areas and around the start and finish areas, there will be sorting stations where you decide in which container you throw your waste. This means you may need to walk a few extra metres to find the sorting station in our event areas. Along the course, there will be containers for paper mugs and other waste, as usual, at our refreshment stations. We’d be grateful if you could always look for the Sortera stations when you throw something away. This helps us with our cleaning up and you’ll play an important role in our sustainable cooperation with Sortera.
If you have a question before Ramboll Stockholm Halvmarathon, read our FAQ (Questions and Answers) on our website or contact us by phone on +44 8 545 664 40 (Tuesday-Thursday 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-15:00) or by email to info@stockholmhalvmarathon.se. On Friday 8 September, our customer service is open between 09.00 – 17.00.
During the race day we’ll have an information tent in the event area.
Good luck in Ramboll Stockholm Halvmarathon 2023!